I was quite excited to weigh in today for my "official" weigh in for the Tending the Temple Challenge. I already knew that I had lost weight as I have been tracking things pretty closely since increasing my calorie intake. But besides losing 3 LBS for the challenge I am quite excited to report that I am now able to cross off one of the goals in my sidebar. I have now lost more than 25 LBS!!
Now I am asking myself, "How does one celebrate when one is used to celebrating milestones with food?" Typically celebration looks like a dinner out at the favorite restaurant or a nice big bowl of ice cream or some other yummy something that is just no longer worth the calories to me. So, if you all have any suggestions for non-food related means of celebration I am ready to hear them! Because this is something to celebrate! I mean seriously! 26 lbs gone is....
The size of my 1 year old nephew (OMG I lost Cohen!!)

A small stack of college textbooks

I wonder how much Chugs weighs in the winter, perhaps I have lost Chugs too??

You get the idea....it is ALOT!
I love celebrations!! But I totally understand them always being centered around food. Quite frankly, it is one of the CHEAPER ways to celebrate. But instead of spending the bucks on edible rewards, how about something else?
Go shopping for some new workout music. If you have an iPod, download some new tunes.
Find some new workout gear. Like...have you ever bought any of the runner's socks? They are super soft and have extra padding for heels and toes. Might be really nice for those sprints you've been running.
Or what about a fun new t-shirt. Ron says that he's going to have a friend of our's print up some workout t-shirts for me (in various sizes from 2XL to Medium) that says "TWIT" on the front and "Trophy Wife in Training" on the back. Funny huh!?!
If you go for mani/pedicures - schedule one.
Buy a book or two you've been wanting to add to your library - and dedicate it to yourself inside the front cover. :)
Ok...so I've rambled enough...but you get the picture. And speaking of pictures...take one of your reward or you experiencing your reward. It would be nice to remember especially if it was something that you wouldn't normally splurge on. :)
Congratulations! I'm glad that you are marking these significant milestones and celebrating them. Jen has some great ideas. I was also going to suggest the new workout music, pedicure, or a book as they are favorite rewards of mine. I'm also a big fan of new shoes or a fun pair of earrings. If money is an issue, I will sometimes put half of what I need for a larger-ticket reward away so that I can afford to get it when I reach the next step in my goal.
One of my favorite "treats" is Jamba Juice, but I don't have them as often as I like because they are pricey. They have some good lower-calorie options. One time I bought myself a $20 gift card to Jamba so that i could stop in whenever I wanted one for the next week or two. It was fun and felt a bit decadent.
Keep up the good work!
WOW! Great ideas guys!!! I love the book idea with a deidcation to myself in it!!
Oohhh a shirt...I was telling a friend that I wished I sweated like him....so perhaps now will be the time to make a shirt that say "I wanna sweat like MIke!" Of course he will totally think I am a dork, but that is nothing new! Hmmmm....
Hi Kim!
Thank you for sending me this link.
I read every entry tonight. I'm SO proud of you! You have become even more amazing since the last time I actually saw you. (That's hard to achieve, for the record.) It's really gutsy to put all of yourself out here. I don't think I could do it. As a matter of fact, when I have tried, I veer off. So, you rock!
You write very well. I probably could have commented on almost every entry, but thought that might be a little stalkerish. lol
I'll be glad to actually see you some when you move back down. I'm sure you can continue your journey from here. I'm sorry that you are leaving a place you love so much though.
PS-I love your picture with your hair! It's way cute. :)
Kim, I am so proud of you! All of the ideas listed above are really good ones so I have nothing to add in that vein. But you certainly have something to celebrate. As you have done I enjoy looking around and equating my weight loss with everyday items and I have found that a good way to that is with grocery items...since I am so familiar with them:) So with that in mind I say hats off to Kim for getting rid of (2) 10# bags of patotes and (1) 5# bag of sugar! Have a great day and keep on dropping those potatoes!
Congratulations Kim on the 25 lbs!
Absolutely AWESOME! I'm doing Matt's BL Challenge with you and am the one who owns the aviation companies in Tucson. Email me at WIAPilots@aol.com. (I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding!) You DEFINITELY deserve a prize for this milestone and I have the perfect one in mind for you! GO KIM!!
Thanks guys for al your encouragement and ideas! Love them!! Anonymous from Tucson...who are you from Matt's site?
Girl, do I ahve to go all Breakthrough on you? You can do way more than you ever thougth possible...I am glad you stopped in to read...glad you enjoyed it...and hope you were encouraged in some way...I cannot wait to hang with you soon!!!
This is a great post. I still reward with food sometimes but I save up all my point so that I can go out to eat. If not, I usually get a massage. That is a good reward for me.
mmmm massage....thanks for stopping in run4change...I love the balance you put out there...it is not as if food can NEVER be a reward....but it can be planned for!
I believe that 25% of chug's weight is comprised of his massive testicles.
It also seems that he secret trips away from the PAD result in significant weight loss via starvation and cat fights.
Hmmmm perhaps I should then move to starvation and cat fights to lose more quickly??? HEHEH And I am jsut gonna pretend you didn't say testicles! LOL
Thanks Aaron S for stopping by!
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