Saturday, March 7, 2009

Quick Update, cuz I am TIRED!

I arrived in my beloved GR Thursday night. It has done my heart good to be here. I had no idea how much I needed to come for a visit and am so very glad I am here. I would like to say that I love this place simply for the people I love dearly here, but it isn't just that. Driving down the familiar roads and I just feel at home. Like this place is mine. I feel more alive here than anywhere else. IT is weird. The minute I crossed in to Kent County Thursday night I just felt better, more at peace, more in control, more at home.

Yesterday, I went for a run along a trail system we have here called Kent Trails. I have never been on these paths before since I wasn't exercising PUBLIC (GASP!) But since I am so over that, I went out. I initially thought I would run out 1 mile then back for a 2 mile run. But as I hit the 1 mile mark, I know I feel good, I can do another. During that first mile, I ran almost the whole way! I was so excited. I have never run so far. Is it common to build up so quickly? Or am I pushing myself to hard? The 2nd mile, I also ran almost the whole thing...and when I got to the next marker I looked at my pedometer and it said I had already gone 2.73 miles. WHAT??? But I thought it was 1 mile between street crossings! Guess not! So I turned around....and ran back....I did a bit more walking this time. Since I have NEVER run more than 2 miles, I had already exceeded that by a lot and with my actual running time being far more than ever before. My hips were getting tight and I could feel my right knee getting tight too. I ran about half of the way back in shorter intervals. Total mileage? 5.54 miles! WooHooo!!! So proud! I need to stop doing so well,lest this become the normal expectation! What if I don't feel like running 5 tomorrow? But because I know I can....I will have to...cuz I can't not do what I know I can....right?

Today, I did the final filming for my audition video. I needed a shirt that said that"I am kind of a big deal" because if you saw the equipment these guys brought in , you might have thought that a serious movie was taking place. I mean there was a dolly that the camera sat on with a camera guy manning it while someone else pulled or pushed it next to me while I ran. It was ridiculous overkill...but OH SO FUN! Even if I am not picked, I am gonna have one sweet video of myself! By the time we were done on the track and the treadmill I had run or walked over 4 miles. And on the treadmill, I pushed it to 7! Yeah I'll do anything for a camera!! :-) We moved on to the spin room where we got some extra special footage with Coach and Adam riding next to me! Not as much fun in here, but the footage will be worth it! I hope...I trust my video guy...I trust my video guy...I trust my video guy! We ended the day in the pool where I learned my video guy thinks I don;t clown around. He doesn't know me very well. He has only known me under these circumstances where I am not in my most comfortable state! Ahhh for him to get to know me under normal circumstances! Needless to say I started clowning around a little in the water...flipping, doing handstands, and the like.

All in all, I am not allowed to see the footage. He is afraid I will eliminate possibilities if I see the footage in its raw state. Sooo I wait while he puts something together for my approval. I trust my video guy....I trust my video guy...I trust my....

Good night.....I started all that at 1 PM....I got done about 6:30 PM...I am tired!


Anonymous said...

That is a lot of work and you did what.. 7!!! that is awesome and a big step. Once your on TBL, I have the confidence and faith you will, everybody else better what out because Kim's in the house :-) It sounds like a very good experience and I happy that you had the chance to do this. I bet when you weigh in again, you'll see another week of some good loss.
I am so proud of you and for being out of your comfort zone is quite impressive as well.
I'm tired as well so off to bed I go!!
Have a great evening ahead...

Anonymous said...

WTG Kim~ Way to Rock the video! Can't wait to see you TBL (I know you're gonna make it :) )


Kim said...

I can only hope and pray guys!

Yes was a single take shot...cuz at that point I was tired!!! THe camera guy KNEW that I was not gonna be able to do it again! THis was the last bit of running we it was several hours least 4 and 4 miles in as well...It was fun!

Hanlie said...

Wow, you rock! Well done! I hope we get to see the video too!

Kim said...

If I don't make the show....I am considering putting iton here...but we will see...I have seen none of it yet, so I am promising nothing!